The B.F.F.

(Bone Family Farm or Beautiful Fortress Farm or Building Foundational Foods)

Come learn more about how to grow your own microgreens and sprouts at home! $25


Help us reach our goal of $5000 so we can be your new BFF!


Farm FAQs

Why are you doing this?

Over the last two years we (Duncan & Elizabeth) have gone through some significant health challenges. Through those challenges we became hyper aware of how bad our food system is and how little “clean” food is out there. So this was our solution to help be a small part of making change to what is available to the public.

You are in Michigan.. what will you do in winter?

We are in the planning process of a passive solar greenhouse so we can produce year-round. We’ll start small and grow into it!

Farming is hard work… are you sure?

Hard work, but good work. We need more people doing gardens and organic farming. Our society literally depends on it.

Do you even know how to farm?

Nope. That is why we hired Jodie Chilcote who has been an organic farm manager for the last three years to tell us what to do! She is awesome and well qualified.

Are you going to get certified organic?

No plans to. Since we won’t be selling produce in stores any time soon, we want to keep the price low and not have to pay for the extra fees of certifying organizations.